Thursday, June 26, 2014

It's a small's even smaller if you are LDS!! :)

Hello Everyone!!!

First of all this is a big milestone week for me in the mission!! I have my 6-month training tomorrow, Wednesday the 25th is when I will return home next year (which also happens to be Kazley's entry mark. So her one year mark will be my come home day!), Then I hit my 6th month mark on Friday, and then my birthday on Sunday!! It is crazy how time flies!!

I am learning so much here in the mission. Both temporal and spiritual. For example: I am getting super good at reading a map. I can fold fitted sheets. I can clean like no ones business. I can plan effectively. I can manage miles on a car. I can get up early. I can walk all day and not be exhausted. I can have a conversation in another language. I can budget money, and lots of other things! I have also learned to love the scriptures. I have learned the importance of prayer. I have learned to trust the Lord. I have learned the importance of being a good example and helping people change their lives. I have learned that the atonement of Jesus Christ covers everything, we just have to apply it. I have learned that effective planning makes for effective days. I realized that I wasted a lot of time doing things that weren't that important. Fun for sure but there was probably more productive things to do. I have also come to love the temple. Everytime I get the opportunity to go I love it! There is so much peace there and we can feel so close to our Heavenly Father.

Now onto the small world!!! I met Stewart Mabey's brother. I met another lady who is cousins with Val Hymas. And in the temple I met a lady who is cousins with Jeff Himes. It is such a small world!

My new ward put us to work right away. After our first sacrament meeting we got a list of people to visit. Then Friday we got a call to speak in church and then Saturday we found out we had to teach Gospel Principles. And then ward council so it was a busy day but nothing I haven't dealt with before! This ward is really awesome and the members are great!!

I have met people from all over the globe this week. I met 2 from Sweden. A TON from India, one from Palistine, an amazing family from Egypt (they are teaching us Arabic), one from South Africa, Northen Australia, a few from China, tons from the Philippines, and all over the US. It is crazy how people come from all walks of life to live here in Los Angeles. It really is a melting pot of the United States!!!

Summer is heating up!! What are you all up to? Any fun trips planned?  I would love to hear from you. I can't always get back right away but I love to hear from you! I know I would always hear that but I didn't know what to say to a missionary. But really we want to know everything. Even if its small. We want to know what's going on in town, what trouble you are getting into, what you have been doing for fun, any activities coming up....anything is good!! :)

I love you all so much! Thank you all for your great examples and for your love!

Love Hermana Montgomery

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