Monday, June 2, 2014

Talk about a memorable Memorial Day!

Wow time really is flying by!! This week has been so nuts!! I had had more crazy experiences this week than ever so far in my mission! Hollywood gets weirder everyday!

First story: Memorial Day 2014

So it is a little after 9:00 AM and we are waiting for the gate for our parking to open when all of the sudden I hear a thunk. I look out the back passenger window and see a camper shell moving like a turtle next to us. I don't see any legs or anything just a moving camper shell. We pull in and Sister Uele gets out to back me up and starts talking to someone. Then she comes back to the car and fill out our car info and pray. Then we hop out and go to help this guy. We walk up and offer to help him. He was like "well you don't really have to but if you want." We assured him we wanted to help and he was like "Thank you so much! I didn't realize how hard it would be to move this by myself." I set our bags down on the front steps of his building. We picked up the camper shell and the three of us carried it down this little alley and around the back of the apartment. The whole time we were walking he was asking us questions and we were bumping into the walls and we could hardly talk but he was really nice. Then after we finished we introduced ourselves and got to know him a little. As we walked back around the corner. I went to grab our purses and THEY WERE GONE!!! The crazy thing was I didn't even really panic. We looked up and down the street but it was basically empty. But as we looked to the top of the block we saw someone walking with bags. We figured it maybe was them. So the guy we were helping, Jesse, checks inside the door and then takes off running down after the person. We decided we would go the other way. We asked some people on the way if they had seen anyone and they said no. Then we realized that our phone, scriptures, keys, everything was in our purses. We decided to pray. So we prayed and then we met a couple and asked them and they said that they had just walked the whole street and didn't see anything. They offered to call the cops and if we knew who to call. We didn't have anyone's number. As we were with them trying to figure out what to do, Jesse comes walking down the street carrying two bags. As he got close he goes "Well no good deed goes unpunished" He said that he walked up to a lady and her 8 year old daughter and asked them where they had gotten those bags and they said they were going to return them to whoever they belonged to. He said I'll take them back. The couple who had stopped were like WOW what a miracle and you girls we so calm. We thanked them and they left. Then we stood there and talked to Jesse and found out his is an actor and has done a few lower scale movies and commercials. Look him up on (Jesse Wilson). I want to know what he has been in! He was super nice and gave us his info and told us he owed us dinner. Then he asked what church we were from and we found out that when he was younger he used to go to the mutual activity and stuff with his friends. He was super cool. It will be a memorial day to remember. I know the Lord put things in our lives to bless others and to work miracles. I also know that he hears and answers prayers.

This is him!

Next story: Squirrel Day
So every morning we work out in the parking space below our apartment. Every morning there is like one to two squirrels that run around the trees but this day there were like 20 not even joking. They were playing on the toys and running everywhere and chasing each other. I have never seen anything like it. I have always wanted to be a I know why. It looked like so much fun!

Also this week I went to a baptism in the Tongan ward in Inglewood. It was kinda a small turnout but we gave the missionary moment and the spirit was so strong. I couldn't help but cry. We shared some scriptures and then I bore my testimony in English, Spanish, and Tongan. It was a really awesome experience.

We found some really cool people this week! I don't have time to go into that but it is going well.

THE BIGGEST NEWS: Elder Ballard came to our mission yesterday!!!!
It was so good!!! We had a great conference with him. All the missionaries were together and we all got to shake his hand. I learned so much from it and the Spirit was so Strong. I know that he a true Apostle of the Lord. I know that he received revelation for us. I know that he is a special witness of Jesus Christ. I know that the Priesthood is on the earth again and that through it that everything we do here on earth lasts for the eternities.

That is a very simplified version of the week but things are going great here. The work is slow but moving forward. I love you all so much! Have a great week!

Hermana Montgomery

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