Monday, June 2, 2014

Mother's Day

This week has been super busy!

Elder Ballard is coming to our mission on June 1st! He has given us a challenge to talk to 20 people a day. Our mission president promised us that if we talked to 20 people a day for 14 days in a row we would have more success in our areas than we ever had before. Then he promised us again that we would be finding, teaching, reactivating, and baptizing more than we ever have before. Sister Uele and I took this to heart because we didn't really have anyone to teach. We have has 12 days straight today is 13 and tomorrow we make the mark. But we have already seen the blessings.

I will start with "M". We found her one night street contacting. She told us that her cousins were members. And she wanted us to come back. We came back on the day we had our appointment miraculously the gate opened but when we went to her apartment she wasn't there :( so we left a note and decided to go street contacting. All the people we talked to took forever blabbing on about everything but nothing. We were going to take the long way around but then we noticed the time and had to rush back to the car. On the ways back Hermana Uele's bag broke and stuff went everywhere. We hurried and gathered it up and ran down the sidewalk. We needed 2 more people to make our 20.  We saw a white puppy and we decided that we would talk to whoever owned that dog. When we made it there we turned and saw it was "M"! She told us that she was sorry that she wasn't there for her appointment and that she had had a terrible day. And then her daughter walks out and talked with us too. We prayed with them in the street and prayed that she would find her keys. As we were leaving her daughter said. See Mom, that's why I forgot my sweater. We needed to talk to the missionaries! We set a return appointment and as we drove home we just realized that everything was a miracle. If people hadn't talked so long we would have left that area. If Sister Uele's bag hadn't broken we would have passed the gate too soon. And after a really hard day it was just what we needed.

We also had zone conference this week. The theme was diligence. It was a really good conference and we learned about priorities and also about using our time most effectively. I learned a lot. Diligence is one of the characteristics of Christ. Without diligence, when the going gets tough we would quit. But with the quality of diligence we are able to take that 5th step back to Heavenly Father by enduring to the end.

Other miracles from the 20 contacts. "F"and "T" are both getting baptized on the 25th!!!! They are some of the most stubborn, but sweet, people I have met here and they both agreed to get baptized! I am super excited!

Things here are chugging along, day after day, but I learning more everyday. I am coming to love the people here more and more everyday. My Spanish is actually better than I thought and I can at least hold my own in a conversation!  Anyways there is always so much to say but not enough time to say it all.

I love you all so much and hope that life is treating you well! I hope you enjoy your spring days because it is getting forever hotter here and my shoes melt a little more everyday. hahaha

I hope you all have a great week!
Love, Hermana Montgomery

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