Monday, June 2, 2014

Santa Monica Exchange

Wow I can't believe it is Monday again. Even crazier is that this week is my 5 month mark!!! Also more big news...Elder Ballard is coming this Sunday! I am really excited to hear what he has to say.

This week I went on exchanges to Santa Monica with Sister Atkinson. I love her so much! We became immediate best friends! She is from West Virginia and she goes home this transfer :(  It was fun to be in English for a change but at the same time I was on the lookout for Spanish people to talk to and I found a few so that was really nice. I also got to do some service with her which was a nice change. People here in Hollywood do not accept service, so it was nice to be able to help someone out. Then we got to stop by a nursing home and crazy enough that was one of my favorite parts of the day. They were having a crazy hat day. I guess after you spent your whole life visiting and hanging out at nursing homes you come to love those little ole folks. They have the best stories!

We were also able to walk along the pier and be right next to the ocean. It was really nice. The weird thing was it that it was the exact same spot I had visited on our senior trip. That felt a little awkward but still cool. Who would have thought I would walk it again as a missionary? Not me!!

We met some very interesting people and I learned a lot for the people we did meet. We had some really good lessons and just had fun. We also met a woman named "D". She had a really cool life story. She had been a drug addict and living on the street and in and out of jail for most of her life. But she has been clean for 9 years. We talked to her for almost an hour but we could have been there all day. The next afternoon we met "B" (one of their recent converts) He is super cool. He was going home teaching for the first time that night and he was a little nervous but was excited. I really loved being in the English area for a little bit but I was glad to come back to speak Spanish.

This week has been a little tough as far as the work goes. We have been finding a lot of new people that seem really good, but then after we teach them once or try to go back for the first time they are not there and we can't get a hold of them. It is really hard but I am learning a lot about patience, long-suffering, and trusting in the Lord's timing.

As I thought about why we work so hard with some people and they still don't change and I found a scripture in D&C 124:49,54,55. It brought me a lot of comfort. As long as I do my part, everything will work out.

There was so much more I was going to write but now I can't remember what it was...I hope you are all getting ready for summer and that you have some fun things planned.

Here's a challenge for all of you. Read D&C 62:3. I love how it says that every time we share our testimonies it is written in heaven and are sins are forgiven. It doesn't have to be a big long speech but simple one sentence truths. I invite all of you to bear your testimony at least once this week. It could be as simple as putting a family picture on Facebook with a caption like Families are Forever. I would love to hear back if you have any cool experiences.

Love, Hermana Montgomery

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