Tuesday, July 15, 2014


Hello everyone!! These last 2 weeks have been nuts!

I hope you all had a great 4th of July! It didn't really feel much like a holiday here. There were no parades, rodeos, tractor pulls, parties in the park, sidewalk sales....but there were fireworks. We had to be in by 6 and we live in an ally so I only saw like 3 fireworks but its all good. I heard them all night. We did eat at someones house and they had a western themed party so that was really fun!  I also moved on the 4th to a new area! I am now in a singles branch and I love it!! They are so awesome and I'm excited to have FHE again! And last week we had linger longer! I missed that!  Our area is HUGE!! and covers 2 zones. My companion is Sister Rudd. She was in that same ward as me in Hollywood. She is from Boise. We live in what they call Little Mexico. I'm back in the ghetto and that makes me really happy! The ghetto is where you get the best stories and the best people!

I am loving the mission. The weird thing is that when I get moved I feel like I'm in a whole new country. It is really strange. I'm so disoriented. Everything feels so far away. Like now I am only like 30 minutes from Hollywood but it still feels so far away. It is really strange. Sometime I wish I could take a birds eyes view of the mission to see where I am!

We had a baptism yesterday and it was super good!!! He brought 3 non-member friends and his grandma who is a preacher and his mom. It was really cool! I just met him that day but he seems so awesome!

Also there is going to be a special musical presentation in September at the Visitor's center and I got invited to come and audition. There were only a handful of missionaries that got invited to be part of it. It is a big privilege. I really hope I get to be part of it. It is going to be really cool and when it happens other missions are getting invited to it and there might be a special presentation for the members. It is being put together by Shawn King a professional musician. Also in a few weeks the actor from the Russian missionary movie, The Saratov Approach, is coming to do a behind the scenes on his movie "Feed the Sheep". I really hope we get to come! I would love to be there! Having a visitors center is such a blessing!

The mission is an exciting place to be and we can really see the Lord hastening his work! Last month the mission had a goal for 60 baptisms and we were blessed with 67!! It is such a miracle!!

Well I hope you all have a great week and I invite all of you to do at least one act of kindness this week and tell me about it! A little kindness goes a long way!!
Love, Hermana Montgomery

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