Monday, June 2, 2014

Street Contracting is like a box of chocolates...

Well well well....I feel like I was just writing last weeks letter. The days are flying by. We were melting for the majority of the week but it finally cooled down over the weekend. That was really nice.

Life as a missionary this week: Street contacting!!! This is where you find the best stories!! I have met some of the interesting people in my whole life. I have met some of the nicest people, some of the meanest people, some people who are super awesome! I met someone that really needed some help so we are going to give her some clothes and food today. Street contacting is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get.
Most of our week has been street contacting. I'm learning to love it.

Other news: "F" isn't going to get baptized until June or July. Super disappointing but I'm happy with how much he has progressed. He has stopped working on Sundays and is reading the Book of Mormon on his own. There are just some things he needs to straighten out before he gets baptized.

"T" also has changed her mind about being baptized. She wants to go to Guatemala and get baptized there. It's just a big mess with her. And all the other people who have baptismal dates didn't show up for church and are starting to ditch on us. But we are still fighting for them. Agency is such a pain sometimes :)

As far as my recent converts go: There are doing alright, a little shaky here and there and that really worries me. I keep having nightmares about them leaving the church. I wake up so bugged I have to call them later that day and make sure they are ok. It's just really sad that you can't visit them like you used to. That is the hardest part.

I am happy to say that the Spanish is coming along nicely. Sometimes now I don't remember if our conversations were in English or Spanish. Also it is nice that people think I am not from the US. That always makes me feel good. Sometime I think in Spanish too and then have to put it back into English. Not always but sometimes. At the CCM they told us that at 6 months we would most likely be fluent, I have to be honest, at 4 months I thought they were liars-that there would be no way I would become fluent in 2 months. But now maybe I will be fluent by then.

I hope that everything is going great for all of you and that you aren't melting like me! I miss you all!

Have great week and be someone's miracle :)
Hermana Montgomery

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