Sunday, September 14, 2014

August 18, 2014

Hello everyone!!! On one hand this week has flown by and on the other it has been so slow!! This week was full of ups and downs but its all part of the fun.  

On the downside: All of our investigators have disappeared. They won't call or text us back and are not home when we go by. It is a little disheartening because I care about them so much and want them to progress and be happy. But we can't take away agency. But I know that the Lord has a plan.

On the upside: This week we were able to have a transition lesson and received our new investigator Joy. We found her a few weeks ago but she was being taught by some Elders. But because she is YSA we get to teach her. She is awesome. There is still some work to do before she will be ready for baptism but we are working with her. We also have a lot of potentials that we can start working with while our investigators are on hold.

Also on the upside we had zone conference this week! It was super good and just what I needed! We talked a lot about recent converts and how to help them progress towards the temple. We also focused on the Book of Mormon and how powerful it is in teaching and testifying. Zone conferences are always so good and fun. It gives you a chance to learn from a large group of missionaries and great leaders.

I had some very spiritual experiences this week. The first one was with our returning less-active Diego and another person we are visiting to invite him to the branch. This man is blind and speaks only Spanish. Diego came with us to the lesson and basically taught the whole thing and testified with so much power. It was incredible to see the missionary fire in him. After the lesson Elder (the blind one) asked if we could walk with him to the store. As we walked he asked if Diego could lead him. I struggled to hold back the tears as I saw them walking down the street arm in arm. I thought of how the Savior works the same way. At times we are blind to the things we should do and where we should go but the Savior will always take us by the hand and lead us where we need to be. It was a moment I will never forget.

The second experience was at Luisa's (one of Sister Anand's investigators) baptism. As the sister gave the talk on the Holy Ghost it really hit home to my heart. The way she explained it and talked about how it is our responsibility of what we do with the gift and how we are the only ones who really know how close or how far away we are from it. She encouraged us to make the Holy Ghost our best friend. It was such a good baptism...started a little rocky but ended very well!

The last thing I wanted to mention was the Book of Mormon challenge that our mission received. I am calling it the Find Your Savior challenge. At zone conference we were all given a new copy of the Book of Mormon to read as a mission, only highlighting things regarding the Savior. We are reading 2 chapters a day and will finish December 10th. I invite you all to do it with us. We started yesterday and I have already felt my testimony grow. I realized that I was always so focused on the story that I didn't notice how much Christ is mentioned. My eyes have really been opened.

I hope you all have a great week and I love you all so much!

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