Sunday, September 14, 2014

8 Months Down--August 25, 2014

Hello everyone!! These weeks are flying by!!!!  This has been a week of miracles!!

Monday-We had dinner with a less active and her family. After dinner we found out that her older sister is not a member. She had a lot of questions and we were able to answer most of them. She was very curious. Unfortunately she is not YSA but it was still nice to teach her. Her YSA sister Monica asked if she thought the lessons would be good for her sister. We said yes. Hopefully we get to see them again soon and then transition her.

We had coordination on Tuesday morning and that day we had decided that since we hadn't seen any of our investigators in 2 weeks we were going to call them all one last time and if they didn't answer we would turn them back to the Lord. This is where the miracle happened. We got a hold of 2 of them!! We had a lesson with the one and the other one said that he could see us this coming week. It was such a boost to my testimony that when we trust the Lord. He really does provide us with the elect.

Another miracle comes from calling potentials. We had set the daily goal to receive one referral. As I called and called I was getting worn out. We ate dinner and then went back to making calls. I skipped one name and then about 20 minutes later I felt prompted to call the one I skipped. I called and she picked up. I began talking to her and as we talked I found out that she and her 19 year old brother we just talking the night before and were wanting to find a new church. They had already told their parents that they weren't going to go to Catholic church anymore and their parents were okay with it. She told me that they were actually planning to walk around Bell Gardens the next day to try and find a church. She was grateful that we had called her. She referred us her brother and we reached our goal for the day! We gave her information to the Elders and they set up an appointment with her for this coming week. Miracles happen through phone calls!! We also called a guy who is now living in Long Beach but he asked us to send the missionaries there. It was really cool. He seemed super interested, he also told us we could send missionaries to his aunt's house.

This week has been a bit of an emotional roller coaster. On Tuesday we found out about Joy's (one of our investigators) brother had died. That was hard for me. I have been in their shoes many times and all I want to do is go and be there to support them but they haven't let us come over yet :( We call and text them but we haven't seen them. I'm afraid that all of this might push Joy away. And I really don't want to see that happen. Also this week we found out that Pascual, our old neighbor was mugged in the alley and when he went to the hospital they found a tumor in his brain. Maybe cancer. Another stab to the heart! He is very scared and worried. He cried and told us that he feels like God played a role in this. If he hadn't have been punched he would have never gone to the doctor and he would have never found out. He said he feels that he knows now so that he can take care of it. He said that feels God is leaving him here on Earth for a reason -that there is something more he needs to do. After he shared this we BOLDLY and lovingly asked him if he would listen to the missionaries and find out about the message that we share. He said that he would. Since then the Elders had an appointment with him and he said he would like to keep learning. It was a really big testimony builder to me to see how the Lord prepares people and how when we are BOLD and LOVING they feel the spirit and respond according to God's will.

So like I mentioned last week our whole mission is reading the Book of Mormon together focusing on Christ. I never realized how much Christ is mentioned or referred to. Every single page is marked!! My testimony of Christ and the Book of Mormon is growing stronger every day. I am realizing parts of the story that I never did before. My faith is deepening. I encourage all of you to try this challenge. Get a new copy and only mark things that talk about Christ. You will be amazed!!

I love you all so much! Thank you for everything you do for me. Thank you for your prayers! I hope you all have a great week!!!

Love, Hermana Montgomery

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