Saturday, August 16, 2014

August 11, 2014

Hello Everyone!

This week has been kinda slow. We only had a few lesson and nothing too exciting....We taught Roger and hopefully we will get to go to the visitors center with him! We also taught Adrian the word of wisdom. That was really fun! More to come on that after the mission :)

We have a new branch mission leader and he is really excited to work.

We had a super good zone training meeting. President Wiedman and President Larson (stake pres) came. It was really awesome! I love President Weidman. He has such a sense of humor! It is nice!

Coming up this next week is Zone Conference!!! I love Zone Conference!! This one is going to focus a lot on recent converts since the policy had changed!

This is some Brazilian food that I made this week--Chicken, bullion, onions, ketchup, and sweet and condensed milk. Super yummy!!

These are some of the best tacos ever!

Gotta love the frozen yogurt!! YUMM!

Sorry I don't have a lot of time or much to write about but things are going well and I'm really enjoying it!!

I hope you all have a great week!
Hermana Montgomery

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