Sunday, September 14, 2014

September 8, 2014

Hello Everyone!!! I hope you all had a great back-to-school week!!

First of all I was transferred which I was SUPER sad about! But now that I am here I love it. The crazy thing is I am practically right back to where I came from, Torrance. I'm in the same church building, just one area over. It was crazy. I passed one of my old investigators on the road today....but it has been helpful because my companion is pretty new so it's nice that I sort of know my way around. Speaking of my companion. Her name is Sister Wehrhahn (Where-Haun) She is from Wisconsin and comes from a family of 4 girls. She is very sweet and bubbly. We are having a good time so far. I cut her hair today :)

It seems that I just keep walking in on baptisms!! We had a baptism yesterday!!! My first day we had an appointment with the Edward family. They are a great family! We had a lesson and prepared them for their interviews. After a few stressful days, Sunday came and the baptism was a go! Tia, Rebecca, Hannah, and Grace were all baptized. Their family came and they said it was beautiful and they felt very welcome. It was really awesome!  I'm grateful for the Edward family. They are sweet spirits. We are going to start teaching the 10 year old grandson and maybe a few more of the daughters :)

This week I also met Sister Carroll. She is a less active we are working with. She is going through a lot of struggles right now. But she has a strong desire to do the right things. I have really gained a testimony of the power of the Book of Mormon and applying it to our lives. It is incredible the things we have learned together and the strength of the Holy Ghost as we read. It really has been eye opening to me.

We also had another miracle experience. We were going to visit a less active family. We looked up their address and put it in the GPS. When it asked the house number, one preset one popped up, so we decided to check it out. We followed the GPS and we turned left and then it said "You have reached your destination on your right". We looked up at the house and Sister Wehrhahn says "This is Tracy's house!!" The crazy thing is that the address didn't match the one on the GPS but we decided to go for it anyways. We went to the door and we warmly welcomed. We taught the Restoration and watched the video. As we talked about families and how they can be forever, she cried and said "Ok, ok I'm sold!! Stop before I really cry" It was incredible. We invited her to be baptized and she said she had no idea what that meant but the it was something she would be interested in. We told her we would explain everything. We are going back Wednesday. It was such a testimony builder to me of following the Spirit and letting the gospel speak for itself. I think sometimes as missionaries we get too caught up in all the details that we forget the simple power of the Spirit. I am very grateful for this experience.

The last one I want to talk about is Robert. I think Adrian in my last area was preparation for Robert!! The spirit has been so helpful with him. We went in a little blind and with the guidance of the spirit we were able to have 3 really great lessons. We helped him understand that healing is possible through the Atonement and repentance. We taught him the Word of Wisdom and challenged him to live it. He said he would try it out and see what he thinks. We were also able to help him deal with some of the issues he was facing. We helped him understand the importance of taking responsibility for his actions and making sure everything gets taken care of. He has a lot of potential, he just needs to realize it is there and let everything else go.

Thank you all for your love and prayers!! I hope you are all doing well. Enjoy the fall weather because it is still cooking here....I don't think I'm too fond of not having seasons.... I love you all!!

Have a great week!

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