Sunday, September 14, 2014

Another Transfer.. September 1, 2014

Hello everyone!!!! I hope you all had a great week and are enjoying your Labor Day!!!

This is a sad day for me....transfer calls came last night and my companion and I are both leaving the area :'( I'm super sad... I loved it here. We are both in shock. It makes me a little sick to my stomach.
This branch became my family. I made so many life long friendships and really connected to people here. There have seen so many miracles here, especially with less active and recent converts. This transfer we had 48 less active/ recent convert lessons. This week we found a golden investigator. Some of our other ones came back to us. We have a ton that are almost there. I just don't want to leave them. Two new sisters are coming in. Good luck to the new sisters. This area is huge and there is so many people they need to take care of!!!

I have never felt this way about transfers before but I know everything will work out.
So I'm going to Redondo Beach. Super nice area. English. Family ward. And I'm finishing training with a sister I have only seen once. It should be fun.

This week has been awesome!! We found a new investigator Kimberly. We found her name on the potentials list. We called and she asked us to come the next day. We went and had the most amazing how to begin teaching lesson I have had on my mission! It was incredible!! We asked her to be baptized if she comes to know it was true. She said "I would, I definitely would!" It was incredible!! I'm so excited for her!!!

This week we also went to the Visitors Center. It was so good. The Spirit was so strong! We went with a recent convert and 3 less actives. While we were there, Anibal went to the temple for the first time!!! Nothing brings more joy to a missionary than to see people got to the temple!! There was a lot that happened but these are the main events. There just isn't enough time to write everything!!

Yesterday was a super good day. We talked about being TRUE TO THE FAITH, and how as we learn about our ancestors we gain faith from them. Watch Brother Walker's talk from April conference and Brother Cook's talk "Roots and Branches". It was really good. We are blessed with such a strong heritage. We really can gain strength from them. Also watch the Mormon video "I'll Go Where You Want Me to Go". It is super good!

So a fun story of the week. I got to pet an iguana. It wasn't very big but it was cool.

I love my companion so much! This has been the funnest transfer of my mission!!! My companion is hilarious and we laugh so hard we choke on water and cry from laughing. We clicked right away!! She has the best dog bark in the world!! She is hilarious and we are crazy together. But sadly today is our last day together :'( We are both getting transferred tomorrow. We have tons of crazy stories its just really hard to write them because you have to see the voice and action and stuff. This week we did some service cleaning this nasty kitchen...dishes to the ceiling, cockroaches everywhere, food from weeks ago buried on the counter. It was disgusting....we cleaned for 2 hours and we still didn't finish. To finish it off the water pipe is busted so when you would rinse the dishes, water would run out on the floor. It was nasty. And you know how much I love cleaning the kitchen anyways...that still hasn't changed haha At the beginning of my mission we helped a less active wash her flea infested dogs. As we washed them the fleas were jumping all over us. We had the heebie jeebies all day.... Another day we really had to go to the bathroom and there was no where to go and our appointments had cancelled so we were desperate. We started walking the streets looking for a place with a bathroom. No luck. So we walked back to our car and there is a Unidos con Cristo church across the street with the door open so we go in. It was super creepy....we found the bathroom. It was a one toileter but we went in together because it was creepy. As we were in there, someone tried to open the locked door. It wouldn't open so he shoved it and got it open. My companion screamed and yelled at him to get out! We got freaked out so I hurried and washed my hands and we ran out that church!!! Another time we found a new less active. We called him and he only spoke Spanish. We told him we would come over. We had a member come with us. He doesn't speak any Spanish. We were late and Steven (The member) text and said how do you say they are running late. We text him and told him to read it out loud. When Steven said Las Hermanas, the guy let him in. Then he called us saying Who is this guy?? Do you know him? He was a little upset. When we got there we realized he was blind. I think I already told this story but long one short. He took us to his room and tried to get us to come in his room by sitting on his bed, patting it and saying pasale con awkward!!! We had our lesson downstairs....and the only Spanish Steven said was Muchas Chichas hahaha.  This just a start to the stories.... :)

I love you all so much!! Have a great week!

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