Sunday, September 21, 2014

Anxiously engaged in a good cause!

Hello Everyone!!

This week has been a bit of a roller-coaster. The Edward family was baptized last week and every time we tried to come over or see them they were busy. We were finally able to meet with the mom and it went really well. Saturday night came and we still hadn't heard from them. So we decided to stop by. We went and talked to the girls and they were doing good. Sunday morning came and it was a bit of a hassle to get everything straightened out but we got it all set up. Sacrament started and they still hadn't come.....needless to say we were freaking out a little bit. But soon they came in. They were confirmed and it was amazing! They were so welcomed by the ward- it was great!

The next part of the roller-coaster was that all of our investigators couldn't meet with us. We were a little desperate for lessons and people to teach so we did the only thing I could think of. Hit the streets! We ended up finding 4 really great people that we are going back to see this week. I gained a stronger testimony of following the Spirit. And after the training on using the Book of Mormon in all the street contacts, we put it into action and it is truly powerful. We are still struggling trying to adjust but we are seeing miracles.

Sunday was the Restoration Musical that I auditioned for a while back. We had invited 5 or 6 people to the Restoration Musical and all of them cancelled at the last minute. I was so devastated. I really wanted to bring people and see the production that I almost got to be part of. I had been looking forward to it for so long. We scrambled and scrambled but nothing worked out. I shed a few tears and accepted the fact the Heavenly Father had a better plan. We had a lesson planned for that night but we still were unsure about what we should teach. I was super stressed and had the worst headache ever. I laid down on the floor and about 5 minutes later woke up and had a strong feeling we needed to teach Gospel of Jesus Christ.  I asked Sister Wehrhahn and she said she has been dreaming a lot about faith. So we decided we were going to invite Taylor to be baptized. He has been invited before and before he could answer the member jumped in and said no. And another member told us my first week to not even think about asking him to be baptized. But we had met another time since then and we just felt so strongly that it was the right time. So we text the girlfriend and told her how we felt. She agreed that it was a good time. We invited her to extend the invitation and she said she would. So off to the lesson we go....we arrive and they have the biggest smiles. We followed up some things and asked if he any questions about the lesson in Sunday school. He had a great question that lead perfectly into the lesson. The Spirit was so strong!! We got to the step of baptism and the tension was building...we explained baptism and had him read a scripture but it didn't feel quite right. So we went around and each talked about our baptisms. We had a few really good pauses in which we were hoping the girlfriend would extend the invitation. But she didn' as I sat there in the silence I knew I would just have to do it. I got a lump in my throat and then just blurted out "We want to invite you to be baptized!" He got a HUGE smile on his face and joyful exclaimed "I AGREE! Throwing his arm in the air" It was one of the greatest feelings I have had in a while. We told him the date and looked at his phone and said it was perfect! The Spirit was so strong you could have cut it with a butter knife! Afterward he asked what he needed to know about that day so we told him a little about it and he was so excited. He offered the closing prayer and it was beautiful. As we left I just couldn't stop smiling! I could hardly fall asleep last night because I was so excited!

The other thing I gained a testimony of this week was being anxiously engaged in a good cause. We did a lot of walking and knocking doors this week. But what surprised me the most was the response from the members. We were walking and a car was pulled over to the side of the road. As we went by it turned out to be some of the ward missionaries. They said they had seen us walking down the road and so they decided to stop and see if we needed a ride somewhere. We told them no and that we had just met a really great lady up the street. And then at ward council on Sunday one of the counselors asked "Sisters, we you tracting on Carson yesterday or did you have appointments?" We told him that we were just walking, talking, and knocking and he said "My wife and I drove past and saw you across the street. We were going to honk but by the time we realized it was you it was too late." We were able to tell him that we actually had met a really nice guy and gave him a Book of Mormon right on the very block where they had seen us. It was such a testimony builder to me that we are always being watched and that through our diligence and hard work we are gaining the member's trust.

So that boy from the story above...His name is Cody. He is 19 and super awesome! He rode by us on his skateboard and had his headphones in. We stopped him anyways. We ended up talking for 20 or so minutes. He was so open to everything we were saying and agreed to do everything we invited him to do. He even asked us for a card and our number! Which never happens! It was super cool!!

The last thing is that we received a referral this week and had made 3 attempts by phone. So we decided to just stop by. He was there and welcomed us. He has had all the lessons before and was nearly baptized. We have an appointment this week with him. The Lord is truly blessing our area.

That is just some of the events of this week! Things are going great and we are melting in the sun everyday!!! Today is a blazing 95! I can't believe it!

This week my companion and I had a super spiritual experience together. We were making lunch and talking about the atonement. We were talking about what physically happens when you are crucified. We talked about the pain that he must have gone through. My companion just got really quiet after a while. As we went to the car I noticed see had been crying. When we got in the song "I Feel My Savior's Love" came on and I looked over and she was crying. I asked her what was wrong and she just explained to me the gratitude that she had for the Savior. As we drove and listened to the song, I couldn't help but shed a few tears too. It is so powerful the love that Christ has for us! As we discussed it more charity filled our hearts and we were filled with renewed energy to walk the streets. I had an enthusiasm to share the gospel. It was such a powerful moment that really changed me. It was so awesome!

Well I hope all is well and I love you all! Thank you for all your love and support!

Love, Hermana Montgomery

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