Saturday, October 11, 2014

Sept 22, 14--HALFWAY THERE!!

Hello Everyone!!!

This week has been a little rough. The flu and cold has hit us! Sister Wehrhahn has been sick almost all week and now it is jumping to me. We have been trying to push through but it has been rough. We did have some miracles this week despite the illness.

The first one is that we were able to bring two different groups to the visitors center. They were very different. One was super good about the temple and family history. The other was more about God's love and the Restoration. We were able to bear powerful testimony in both lessons so it was good. Sister Anand gave one of the tours so it was awesome to see her!!

The Edward Family at the visitor's center--

The second one is that we received a referral. She is a former investigator. She is from Austria. She is in her 50's. Her daughter has cerebral palsy. She watches BYU-TV all the time and she knows church history like crazy. We called and set up an appointment with her. We went and had a good lesson with her and invited her to read the Book of Mormon and come to church. She said she would and we set a return appointment. When we arrived at her house we saw a man sitting outside across the street. We were already late for the appointment so we said we would talk to him afterwards. As we came out of the lesson he was still there. We walked over and began to talk to him. He really opened up to us and told us that he is going through divorce/ child custody battles and is taking care of his mom with cancer. He asked us to come back and we left a Book of Mormon with him. He was such a miracle.

Later that night after dinner we were walking back to the car. We saw a man walking up the road. We asked how he was and if we could share a card with him. He said "Are you Sister Montgomery?" I was a bit taken back and said that Yes, I was. He proceeded to introduce himself and told us that I had talked to him on the phone just a few days earlier. He is a former that I had called. He asked about his experience with missionaries and why he stopped investigating. We invited him to church and he said he would come and check it out so he could at least say he gave it a fair chance. It was a really cool opportunity.

In other news:  Our investigator Robert got arrested right in front of us as we drove along the road. We were on exchanges and we passed him on the street. We went to his house and he wasn't home. We waited a while and after nothing we decided to drive to dinner. On the way there we see Robert cuffed and stuffed in front of his high school. We went and talked to his dad and he said he should have been out the next day but as of today, we still haven't heard anything.

So in honor of crossing my half-way mark I thought I would share some things that I have learned:
1) Miracles Happen
2) The gospel is all about change and progression
3) The Atonement is real and it will change you if you let it
4) The blessing it is to serve Jesus Christ and Heavenly Father
5) That you can love wherever you are
6) There are great people everywhere
7) Prayers are answered
8) The Book of Mormon really is Another Testament of Jesus Christ
9) I have changed!!
10) Things have never been better
11) The Spirit is real
12) The temple is the best place to be
13) Family is most important
14) You always need your parents :)
15) We have a living prophet
16) It's not that hard to share your testimony
17) Technology is a blessing
18) I love and miss you all!!!

I just want to say thank you for all the love and support!
Have a great week!!

Hermana Montgomery

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