Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Week of March 24th

This week has been interesting for sure....But I'll just focus on the good parts. Our investigator was confirmed yesterday. She looked so pretty! It was one of the prettiest blessings I have ever heard! Afterward Bishop Nunez was introducing her to the ward and asked for a sustaining vote. And she gave two thumbs up with the biggest smile on her face! It was the cutest thing ever!! She told us later that she wasn't sure why she did it, she was just so happy!

Another miracle happened this week. We received a referral a few weeks ago from one of the members and we have "broken in" to her complex a few times but she wasn't there. But this time she was and we got to go in and talk to her. She is 49 and has been doing dialysis for 2 years. I think she also has some sort of cancer or leukemia. She is super sweet and we told her we would bring a lot of members to meet her and she got really excited!

The next miracle: One of our investigator's daughter's has stopped listening to us after her dad talked her out of it. It was super sad and it made our visits over there a little awkward. But we just kept going. But last night when we went by it came up. We asked if she would still like to learn and she said yes!! We were so excited. She is so cute! Then she went to her room for a while and so we needed to leave so we said a prayer with her mom and as we were saying amen and she walks out and says "Oh I missed it!" We are super excited to start teaching her again!

Next miracle: We found a family on the street one day so we talked to them and they were super interested and even wanted to feed us dinner!! But sadly they are english speaking so we gave them over to the elders. On Friday we drove down the street and the dad was walking the dog and asked why we haven't come over. So last night we decided we would go visit and then make the transition. But when we showed up the elders were there!! So we taught with them and it was really awesome! They are such a great family!!

BUT THE GREATEST MIRACLE THIS WEEK: So we decided to visit another one of our investigators again. We went to her house and she wasn't there so we called her. She told us that her live-in boyfriend had left her and she needed help changing the locks. I was so excited!!! She has been investigating the church for like 7 months now but couldn't get baptized. But now she could! We finally got someone to help her with the locks after we tried and failed.

Then we had a relief society activity and we had invited abuelita but she said she couldn't come. So we were at the church and to our surprise I looked up abuelita and her friend (the one in the above story) were walking through the door! I almost cried!! Long story short she wanted to be baptized that night or the next day but we told her next Sunday and she agreed that would give her time to invite friends and family and for us to take care of all the paperwork and interviews. We are just so excited!! She is so great! We are hoping that they both be baptized next Sunday!! :)

Other than that we have just been trying to find new investigators and its hard work. But we have decided the best way is through members. So all you at home- help the missionaries out!! :)

Things are going good and we have a busy week ahead. We are doing a temple session Wednesday and have interview with President Weidman on Thursday. And we have a baptism to plan for :)

Here is some fun facts about my area:
Papusas(sorry I spelled it wrong)- its like a corn tortilla with meat and sauce in the middle and then you put this cabbage stuff on top and salsa. They come from El Salvador. They are so good!! This week we also had Chi. Its a drink made of the cha-cha-cha-chai plant. It's super good! Also a El Salvador recipe. Most of the ward is either from El Salvador, Guatemala, A few from Equador, a couple from Peru and Honduras, and only a handful from Mexico.
The majority of my area is like driving in downtown Twin Falls. Lots of little houses and lots of apartment buildings. But finding a parking space is like finding a needle in a haystack. Nearly impossible especially in the evenings.

This picture is of the granddaughters of a recent convert. The younger one reminds me of my cousin Gabby--They are sooo cute!

This picture is the group from this weeks baptism! So exciting! 

Here is a picture of my district:

I hope everything is going great at home and I love you all so much! Thank you for your prayers :)

Love, Hermana Montgomery

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