Sunday, April 13, 2014

Hastening of the Work!

Hastening of the Work!

This week has been so busy!
There have been 2 marathons that cut right through our area so we have had to take the long way around on the freeway :) There was also the Thai new year which shut down part of town. I just love LA! haha
This week we have set 2 baptismal dates!

 "R" is getting baptized this Sunday!! :) The parents divorce papers are final now so she doesn't need her dad's signature. She is so excited! When we asked her how she felt about being baptized she said "I really want to be a Mormon" it was so cute! When we asked her what she thought it would feel like to have the Holy Ghost she paused for a really long time and then said "I think it would be like walking on rainbows". She is so smart and has such a desire to learn, it really is incredible for someone her age. She has great questions and is reading the Book of Mormon. She is growing so much! I'm really excited for her baptism this Sunday. She and her mom "P" are already sharing the Gospel and being great missionaries! It is so awesome!

"J" is excited to be baptized when she gets back from El Salvador on the 27th. We already have the program ready. She is going to be a super strong member! Most people already think she is a member.

Abuelita  is doing great. She is planning on being baptized on the 27th with her daughter "J" if her health allows. We are praying really hard for her to be well enough. Please pray for her legs.

We had exchanges this week with our sister training leaders. Even though we are in the same ward and meet every week, when you actually get to meet the people it is a totally different experience!
Also this Saturday Elder Beecher and Elder Arambula told us that one of their investigators needed us to stop by her store so we did and she told us she wanted to be baptized, and asked when the next service was.  Through both of these experiences I learned that by helping other missionaries we are all in this together. This is the Lord's work and we just have to be willing to open our mouths and share it.

Also can I ask a favor?? Can everyone please pray that we will be able to find a family of 4 from El Salvador who are ready to be baptized. We have been looking for them all week and a couple of times we have come close but we haven't found them just yet.

I hope everyone got to watch General Conference. It was so good! If you didn't please go back and watch it or read the Ensign. The words of the prophets are so powerful!

I love you all so much! Thank you for your love and examples. Have a great week!
Love, Hermana Montgomery

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