Monday, April 21, 2014

Last Week :)

Hello Everyone!!!
This week has been so great! We had a new missionary training. I love how practical and applicable all the things we learned were. I loved being able to see all my missionary friends again! They are all doing great and are enjoying their areas. President Weidman gave a talk on not being who you think you are. I have thought a lot about that this week. We really aren't who we think we are. Now the question is how do we help people realize who they really are? I now understand what it means that its important for the missionary and the investigators to grow and be edified together. I am loving this area and this mission experience. I have seen so much growth in myself already. And this is just the beginning! 

We had a baptism yesterday. It was so amazing! After "R" come up out of the water she just giggled. Then in the changing room she just couldn't stop giggling. It was the cutest thing ever! She is such a pure person. Everything about her is just good. 

After the baptism we went and visited "RL". She is 49 and goes to dialysis and has some kind of cancer. She is very sick. While we were there she got super sick she came back and then laid on the bed. So we just sang her hymns. It was the saddest thing. I couldn't help but crying. I just felt so much love for her and I just wanted to take away her pain. 

"E" had a miracle this week. She was feeling really bad with a fever and shaking. But she prayed and after an hour she said she felt the Holy Ghost's warmth fill her body and she instantly felt better. It was so amazing to see how her prayers were answered. 

We found a new investigator named "I". She lives in a two-toned purple house with a ton of flowers!  She was one of our potentials on the list to see but then the elders gave her name to us as a referral. We went and had a great lesson with her but when we went back she was super busy so we couldn't stay but we set up another appointment. She has so much potential. 

"J" will be home from El Salvador this week. We will hopefully have another baptism this Sunday for "E" if everything goes well. 

Other than that everything is super good. I hope you all have a great week! 
Hermana Montgomery

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