Saturday, December 27, 2014

Happy Thanksgiving!

Hello everyone!!!!

I hope you all enjoy your turkey and yummy pie!!! But most of all- Family Time and Black Friday shopping!!! I'm a little jealous!!!

This week has been a tough but blessed one for me!

This area is really different and there are challenges but hey everything is hard the first week!!!

Here are some of this week's miracles!!! We were able to set 7 appointments for this week with new people!! We also contacted a guy named Cesear. We called and left him a voice mail and about 20 minutes later he called and said we could come right then. We did and we had a good talk with him and he came to church on Sunday! Our investigator Jonathan's car got towed so we walked 1 mile with him to church! :)

Another girl named Kenya came to church too!! And a less active we visited my second day here. She is so awesome!!!
So my first Sunday....I taught the gospel principles lesson and we had a 2 hour branch council meeting. It was a long but good day.

We currently don't have any plans for Thanksgiving but we will see if anyone offers to feed us...if not Ramen it is!!! hahahaha Just kidding....I have food :)

Anyways I hope you all have a great week and really think about what you are grateful for! I'm grateful for all of you and for your love and support! I'm grateful to be a missionary- to represent Jesus Christ! I'm grateful for the people that have gotten to this point in my life and the people I'm meeting now!! I love you all!

Happy Thanksgiving!!
Hermana Makeesa Montgomery

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