Saturday, December 27, 2014

CHRISTMAS!! 12/22/14

Merry Christmas!!!

Hello everyone! I hope you all have a great Christmas!

We have had a great week! Here are some highlights:

1) We had our branch Christmas party. We had Thai food. It was super good. We had a nice little slideshow and video. We also had a white elephant gift exchange. It was really fun! I got 2 pounds of Reese's Peanut Butter Cups. I was so excited!! But what was even better was seeing Sister Park so excited to get rice!! But at the bottom was a gift card but she was more excited about the rice :)

2) We went to the Visitors Center and we got to see the lights. It wasn't the best trip there I've ever had. We had to wait outside in the cold for 1 1/2 hours and then the concert we went to wasn't the greatest. But I was still happy to see the lights :)

3) We had our Christmas devotional this week. It was so incredible! The first part was hearing from President and Sister Weidman. Then the second part was reading the Christmas story. I got to help :) It was super good to hear the story again. And there were some really good solos too :) Then the last hour was testimonies. And we got to take pictures with Pres. and Sis. Weidman. And we had a great dinner :)

4) I finished the Book of Mormon this week! I love it and I didn't want it to end!! I know it's true and I love the way it makes me feel and how it helped me strengthen my relationship with Christ!

5) I'm excited to call home for Christmas!!

I love you all and I'm so grateful to have this time to represent the Child whose birth you all are celebrating :)

Love, Hermana Montgomery

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