Saturday, December 27, 2014

December 8, 2014

Hello Everyone!

Time is short today but it has been a good week! Here are some highlights:

1- We found new people to teach!!! It made us super duper happy!!
2- I made a full 7 course Korean meal this week! (I ate seaweed...)
3- We had dinner with Cesar! He is so awesome!!!
4- We had our ward Christmas party. It was really nice and the food was delicious! Cesar came too :)
5- We had a really cool experience at church yesterday. We had 2 basketball teams from New Zealand visit our sacrament meeting. It was so awesome! They all came in in their uniforms and 7 of them are members and they bore their testimonies. Then after sacrament meeting they all introduced themselves and told about their families. Then they recited their honor code and sang us their academy song. It was so awesome! One of the coolest experiences I've had at church!
6- Today we went to an open air market! It was so much fun! Tons of stuff to buy and lots of people!
7- We had two days straight of rain! Not just a sprinkle but downpour. It was really nice but I got a cold.....

Big thing coming up: Elder Baxter from the 70's is coming to tour our mission. He will meet with us Friday and I'm leading the music :)

Anyways! I love you all and I hope you all are doing well.

I hope you all have had a chance to watch the HE IS THE GIFT video!!! If not do it and then share it!!! I'm so grateful to be a missionary and see all the miracles that happen everyday!!

Love, Hermana Makeesa Montgomery

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