Saturday, December 27, 2014

December 1, 2014!

Hello Everyone!!

So Thanksgiving was really good!! We had three dinners. Two were planned- one was not!! All the food was good and I tried pecan pie! It was so yummy!!! There is so much to be thankful for!!

So good news of the week: Jonathan committed to be baptized on December 30th!! And he came to church early and brought a friend!!! It was so exciting!!! We also have a few more investigators this week that we are going to extend baptismal invitations too.

Church was so good yesterday!! The talks were given by two return missionaries! The one talk was so good! They are going to start coming to our branch so I'm really excited about that! They are going to help us out a lot!

I have been so touched by the Book of Mormon reading this week! I have been reading in 3 Nephi were Christ comes and it teaching the people. I have felt so close to my Savior this week as I've been reading. I was so nice to feel of that love and come to feel that the Book of Mormon is true. I'm so grateful to my Savior for everything he has done for me!! I love him so much! I'm so blessed to have the gospel in my life and I'm so glad to be here sharing it!

I hope you all check out!!! It is awesome!! Share it with everyone!!!

I love you all! Have a great week!!!

Love, Hermana Makeesa Montgomery

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