Saturday, December 27, 2014

A Week of Great Experiences! Dec 15, 2014

Hello everyone!!!! The countdown to Christmas continues!!!

This week has been incredible!! We have seen so many miracles and the blessings of the Lord pouring out on us!

To start off we received 2 new investigators...not just referrals but people who had already been taught something! The first one's name is Othneil. He is amazing. He has a thirst for the gospel that I haven't seen before. He is truly prepared!! The second one is named Zach. He went to a FHE at a members home with the elders and they invited him to be baptized and he accepted! We called him and talked about it but we haven't been able to meet yet. Cesar is doing great, he has a temporary setback this week but has come back around! He even rearranged work so that he could come to sacrament meeting. And he attended Jonathan's baptism and loved it!

In addition to all of this greatness, Jonathan Williams was baptized!!! Amid all the craziness and stress we were able to pull it off and it went well. His non-member mom was there and two of his non-member friends. He was so happy. He even bore his testimony at the end (super big deal because he is soooo shy)! Lots of people came out to support him and I know he felt the love. The next day he showed up in his white shirt and tie that we bought him to be confirmed! I'm so proud of him!!

Last night we had some great experiences as well. We went to find some less actives and ended up finding 2 different people. The first one we found was the younger brother of whom we were looking for.  We had a great talk with him and said a prayer with him. I think the Spirit really touched his heart. The next one we talked to was a 14 year old boy who is very religious. As we talked about Christ, his heart was softened. When I invited him to meet with missionaries, he thought for a second and fumbled over his words saying it was the first time he had every heard of this and um, ah, etc...then he said Yes. We prayed with him as well. Both of these experiences confirmed to me the scripture that says "open your mouth and it shall be filled". I knew my lips were moving and sound was coming out but it wasn't until I heard my own echo that I knew what I was saying. The Lord truly does use us if we are willing to be the instruments in his hands.

To top it all off we had the time with Elder and Sister Baxter!!! He is a member of the 70. He is from Scotland and she is from Great Britain. I thoroughly enjoyed listening to their accents :) Sister Park and I were selected to have a special interview with them on Friday night! It was such an amazing opportunity to sit down and talk with them about missionary life and it's challenges. They asked us individually what concerns or issues that we had and then counseled us. Their advice was so inspiring and uplifting, not only for in the mission but after as well. The next day we were in a zone conference with them from 9:30 am- 4 pm :) It was incredible!! I loved them and the things that they shared! I felt so uplifted and released from whatever unseen causes were holding me back. It was indescribable the liberation that I felt as they spoke and counseled us. They talked a lot about being happy in our circumstances and what we can do to make others happy. They talked about dating and marriage and a lot about the Plan of Salvation and family history work. It was so awesome! I wish you all could have been there!!!

 I'm so grateful to be a missionary! There is no other way I would have spent my year. I have learned so much and I have changed for the better. I truly have come to understand that Christ is the gift and I am forever grateful for that!  I don't know where I would be without Him and the gospel. I don't even want to try and imagine. I'm grateful to my mission president for challenging us to read the Book of Mormon focusing on Christ. I have honestly gained a testimony of the divinity of the Book of Mormon and the promise that we can get nearer to God through it. I am living proof of that!  And then to top it off it's Christmas! The most wonderful time of the year when we get to remember all the blessings we have been given !! I love it and I love all of you! Thank you for your out pouring of love this year and especially this Christmas! Thank you all so much!

I love you all,

Hermana Makeesa Montgomery

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