Sunday, October 26, 2014


Hello everyone!!

Sorry I didn't write last week! So I'm in Redondo Beach another transfer with the same companion!

This week has been a trying one but every cloud has a silver lining! So I'll focus more on that part :)

1- Matthew got baptized!! It was awesome! He is my hero! I love that kid. I learned more from him than he probably did from me! Brilliance comes out of his mouth! He has an amazing spirit and he is going to do great things!!

2- We had a relief society cookie exchange. There was lots of yummy treats and our investigator and her daughter went and loved it!

3- We have a group of old ladies in our ward that love us!! They are so cute and are always telling us what a good job we are doing. I love them!!

4- Sister Spencer gave us aprons :)

5- We have a new bishop who is helping us so much!!

6- Today we had two occasions where we were around people with special needs. I love them so much! I have come to understand how much God loves them and all of us! I also learned how much love parents have for their kids!

7- We met a lady on the street named Stephanie. We talked with her for a while and she told us lots of stuff about Eboli and then we talked about the red moon. And then she told us about her favorite line from Titanic "It's built so well, even God can't sink it" Then she went off about how we should never underestimate God and his power. I like that! It is so true! If God wants something to happen it will!!

 8- We had stake conference! It was amazing!!! The focus was missionary work, family history, temples, and having our own conversion through trials. It was so good.

One of my favorite talks: He talked about how at sports games people wear their team jersey with their favorite players name on the back. He talked about how we look up to and admire that person and try to be like them. Then he said "What if we wore jerseys to church? Whose name would you put on the back? Daniel, Peter, Ammon, Nephi, Smith, Hinckely, Uchtdorf, Bednar, Holland, Monson, etc... " Then he went on to say that we do have jerseys. We got them when we were baptized. We became part of God's team. Then he said, The name on the back is Christ. We took upon ourselves his name. We promised to represent his team. He posed the question "Do people know what team you are on without having to wear a literal jersey? Can people tell who you represent? Can they tell by your language, the way you treat your spouse, the entertainment you participate in, the clothes you wear?"  It was a really good, thought-provoking talk.

The other talk I liked was about 4 trees in our church building, They are all in the same location, same watering system, and yet one is dying and the other ones are in different stages. He talked about how we need to nourish our testimonies so they don't wither away when the heat of temptations comes.

There were lots more I will share next week. Time is up for today!

I love you all and hope you have a great week!!

Hermana Montgomery

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