Saturday, October 11, 2014

Sept 29, 14--Taylor got baptized!!


This week has been amazing and stressful!!!

Let me give you a bird's eye view of the week...It is Tuesday morning. We get a call from our zone leaders saying Sisters. President wants you to have a baptism and possibly two this weekend. Can you do it? We talked for a while on the phone. We decided it was worth a try. Two baptisms, lots of logistics to work out, and lots of things to teach.  But we decided to do our best. President read D&C 123:17 to us. He promised us that if we would do everything we could, we would see the arm of the Lord revealed.

Our game plan was Matthew and Taylor. We would have to see them everyday and clear them and have them accept to be baptized. STRESS!!! At the beginningaylor was closer, then Matthew took over, then instead of Sunday it was Saturday. And then it was off for both. After some tears and an inspiring phone call from President and a morning crazy packed of searching the scriptures and tear-filled role plays we had it figured out. The lesson Friday night went great and Taylor was back on board. Saturday morning was the interview and Sunday was the baptism. Talk about cutting it close!! But it was amazing that we were able to see the  fulfillment of the Lord and President Weidman's promise!!! He is an inspired man! As we put our faith in Heavenly Father and did all that we could, His arm was revealed and Taylor was baptized!! It was so amazing to be part of that! This week truly was a battle of fear and faith! There were definately moments of both but ultimatley faith prevailed. It was so amazing that everytime it seemed too hard or another problem came up, Heavenly Father was able to answer our prayers and give us the inspiration and motivation we needed! Being in the Lord's service is an incredible blessing. I am grateful that the Lord trusts me enough to allow me to assist in His work.

So worth it!! Taylor kept saying "Thank you so much this means the world to me, You are amazing!!"

This week has strengthened my testimony! Every single day it grew stronger and stronger. Miracles were happening right before our eyes. Especially with Matthew! I have never taught someone more willing to learn! And then to apply it!! During one of the lessons his friend was yelling his name out the back door. He ran outside and we heard him be the perfect missionary. It went something like this:
"I'm with the sisters right now. I'll be over in a little bit. Yeah Becuase I'm a Mormon and I'm getting baptized!!! You can come to my church if you want. I really have to go the sisters are waiting!!" "Sisters?" (Says the neighbor boy) "Yeah they are missionaries! They teach the word of God! And after you are baptized they call you brother or sister! So they will call me Brother Smith! And I'm going to be a missionary one day and share the word of God! Ok I'll be over in a minute, we are almost finished!" Sister Wehrhahn and I sat at the table in awe of what we were hearing outside. Matthew ran in and said "Sorry that took so long, he just had no idea about half the things I said to him" We congratulated him on being a missionary and told him he had done a great job! We gave him a passalong card with our info on it and invited him to take it over. He said he would. As we left we saw Matthew running over, card in hand!! It was so amazing!!!

Another experience happened last night. We were walking home and we came across a little boy and his grandmother. She didn't speak any English. The light turned green so we quickly gave the little boy a picture of Christ. He grabbed it and smiled and we watched as he walked across the street starting at the card. For the next block or so we were able to see them across the street. The little boy stared at the card the whole time. At one point he kissed it. It was so incredible to me that he recognized Christ. I could feel of the love that Christ had for that little boy and the relationship that they had before he came here and the many things he could achieve here on the earth. It was a touching experience for me.

This weekend was also full of conferences. Saturday we had a special zone conference to watch a sneak peak of the new movie "Meet the Mormons". It will be coming out Oct. 10 in theaters around the US. It is super good! You should definatley see it. We also watched a talk from Pres. Uchtdorf about overcoming fear. It was SO good!! And then later that night we got to go to the Relief Society broadcast. It was so good!!! Simple and powerful! I'm so excited for general conference!! It is going to be incredible!!

I hope this gave you a peak into my crazy week! The work is great!!
I love you all :) Have a great week!
Love, Hermana Montgomery

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