Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Flu Season!!!

This week has been a blur. The funniest moment of the week was when my companion got asked out on a date by a 44 yr. old. It was pretty hilarious. I also got a flu shot last Monday. But I survived.

Cool experience: So when I went to bed on Friday night I wasn't feeling very well but I figured it would just go away by morning. WRONG!!! I woke up at about 11:30 sicker than a dog. I had a fever, dry heaving, and really bad stomach pains. I felt like I was going to die.  We called the zone leaders and they did answer. So we called the district leaders and they answered but couldn't come because they are on bikes. But finally the zone leaders answered and came over to give me a blessing. By this point it was like 12:45. I had been gagging and crying. I was wearing a huge shirt, glasses, and my hair up...not the hottest moment of my life...haha. They gave me a blessing but it was embarrassing because I had to run to the bathroom while they were there. But by morning I felt much better but it took most of Saturday to feel back to normal. President Weidman called to check on me and all my leaders called to see if I was ok. But I survived!!! Blessings really work!!!!

Sorry, I don't have a lot of time to write about much else. I am staying in my area, Redondo, for another transfer with my same companion!

After my flu shot--

The Hansen Family-- :)

A sweet lady from our ward, Sister DiAngelo,

Weird thing about my that there are snails...EVERYWHERE!

I want letters so if you can, take some time and send me one. I would LOVE it!! :)

Hermana Montgomery

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