Saturday, March 1, 2014

The Work is GREAT!!

Hello everyone!! :)
Sorry I didn't get the chance to write last week. There is just not enough time in an hour!

So a little catch up on last week. We had zone conference and it was absolutely incredible!! Heavenly Father really does answer prayers and really does give us revelation. I got to do a role-play with Pres. Weidman as my companion and it was so awesome. He is so amazing and so is his wife. I love them so much!! Both my companion and I got blessings that week and they were awesome. Mine talked about her and hers talked about me. It was really cool. We met some really awesome new people and the work is going great. There is a family we are trying to work with and they have 3 kids under the age of 12 and it was so cute. I made a deal with the two younger ones that if they helped me with Spanish, I would help them with English.  When the little girl said the opening prayer she prayed that I would get good at Spanish. Then in the closing prayer the little boy prayed that I would be able to talk to them in perfect Spanish and that they could learn English. It was so cute!!

This week has been so good! We took two trips to the visitors center. The first trip was with an investigator. We have been struggling with him a little. He had a baptism date and then told us he wasn't ready and not to force him. So we thought the best way to help him was take him to the visitors center to clarify the difference between a chapel, temple, and visitor center. It was a very good tour and on the way home he informed us that he is leaving for El Salvador in 2 weeks. We are not really sure what to do but we will figure it out in the Lord's time.

We started working with one of investigator's daughter and on Friday we took them to the Visitors Center and it was amazing!! We talked a lot about the temple and what goes on there and I really think it helped her to see the bigger picture. She accepted to be baptized March 16th. After she said yes she said "all I wanted was to have my girls there to support me." Everything from the role play we did up until that moment rushed through my mind. It is so incredible how revelation works! After she accepted and her daughter agreed to be there and was happy for her we went into the Christus and looked into the windows in silence for a good amount of time. Eventually she just started sobbing. Then after lot of tears she asked if she could offer a prayer and she did and it was such a touching and spiritual moment.

These week we have also had some really good experiences street contacting. We have met 3 new people who look like they will soon be investigators. It's so awesome how when we open our mouths the words are there and people are willing and ready to listen.

Overall it has been a very good week. I feel like I have made a break through here in the ward and I am starting to feel accepted. People are actually excited to see me and talk to me. Church was much more enjoyable and we had 5 people come! One of them moved out of our area but we would call her. Then she just dropped us and we haven't heard anything for 2 weeks and then she just showed up at the church and stayed for Sacrament meeting and we gave her the Book of Mormon that she had come to get. It just built my testimony that when we are obedient, the Lord blesses us.

Let me tell you about a miracle.
The elders found a place that would let them do their laundry for free. They told us to check it out so we went and talked to the owner and he was so cool!!! He gave us a giftcard with $100 dollars for all of the missionaries to share to do their laundry. It is such a huge blessing and the owner is so nice to us and all the workers treat us so nice. It is a brand new business and it is so fancy compared to the other laundry mats we were going to.

Thank you Galvez family for the package. I loved it!!

This week I have training again which is awesome because I get to see all my elders from the CCM and it is the day before our two month mark. That's so crazy!! Time is going so fast. I'm having a great time here and things are going awesome!!

This cute little abuelita reminds me so much of Grandma Montgomery. She is 79 and she wants to get baptized so bad but has to wait for her leg to heal first. She is awesome! We go over at least 4 times a week and sing hymns to her and read the Book of Mormon with her!

Me driving my new car!! Crazy California driver now! :)

I hope everything is going good and that all is well.

Love you all!!
Hermana Montgomery

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