Tuesday, March 11, 2014



I have never seen this much rain!! It is constant downpour!! For hours and hours on end. I took some videos of it but it doesn't do it justice. It is incredible!! But the people here have been fasting and praying for it so hey I guess you can't have everything. haha But I had to burst out my big coat because I was freezing. I'm getting so weak!! Mexico and California have ruined me. haha Good thing we have a really good heater!

This week was great I had my two month anniversary and I got to see all my friends the day before. Everyone is doing great and it was so nice to catch up and share stories! I miss them all so much and it was good to see them. We learned how to better improve our studies but we are doing so great in that area but it was just awesome to help each other out. During one part they kept all the new missionaries together and took the trainers to another room. It was so nice :) That is when the stories all got told I could relax and be myself a little. It was great. President Weidman is so great and is so inspired.

So update on the work:
This week has been pretty good. The rain did not slow us down and other people in the rain appreciated our enthusiasm and dedication. We had great success in street contacting and found several new potentials. We changed the way that we did the contacting. We started putting the message of Christ first and then the English cards second. It was amazing to see how much more people were willing to open up to us. It was really neat.

This week we also did a mini exchange with the sister trainers. I was originally going to go with Sister Phillips but because of the weather we had to change and I was given charge over my area. I was so amazed with what I was able to do and my confidence became so much stronger. My crutch was gone and I had to step up. I really loved it so much. It gave me more confidence in my ability as a missionary. We had many good experiences and were able to discuss different ideas on how to do things. We did get a little lost but we met awesome people on the way.

So the night of exchanges we went to visit one of our investigators and talked about inviting her daughter to be baptized. It worked out perfectly. She said that she would like to be baptized with her mom on the 16th and so we are going to start teaching her. They both came to church yesterday. We are so excited that they are going to be baptized together!!

Abuelita went back to the hospital and when we went to visit her she was gone. She was discharged and called a taxi haha. We went to visit her and we also talked to the bishop and he said that she can be baptized whenever she wanted. It was such a relief to us! I have come to really appreciate the bishop this week. He has really us out this week and been a great example. One of our investigators is sadly leaving us this Thursday :( He is going to El Salvador for a month to visit his dying mother. We told him how to find missionaries there and hopefully when he gets back he will have the desire to be baptized. 

This week we also talked with a lot of less actives and had some breakthroughs with them so now we know how to help them. I have learned that the mission is not about teaching but about helping people see the bigger picture. Helping them realize the importance of keeping their covenants. Helping them feel the love of Jesus Christ. We are in this life to help one another. How great is that responsibility. I hope you all find at least 3 ways to help someone this week.

I love you all so much and thank you for the emails :) Thank you for your prayers! Share your testimonies and read the scriptures. You will be blessed :) Have a great week!

Love, Hermana Montgomery

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