Tuesday, March 11, 2014

I'M MELTING........

Hello everyone :)

This week we will start out with the work update:

We have had some miracles in our area this week. I'll start with Abuelita. She came to church! She is 78 years old and has a lot of health problems that have prevented her from coming to church and being baptized. But she has talked to her doctors and the said that what she has is not contagious and she is ready to be baptized.

Also, our mother and daughter duo agreed to be baptized and we were so excited! We were having two lessons a day with them. One in the afternoon for the daughter and then one in the evening for both of them. Everything was going great, she was praying, reading, coming to church, but then came the time to have her dad sign the consent form. Long story short-he filled her with a lot of doubts and now she doesn't want to be baptized. It's super sad but I feel she will come around shortly. The mom still has a lot of questions about what her ex-husband had told her but we talked about them and she is still excited to be baptized. She has her interview on Wednesday and baptism on Sunday. Her daughter is going to be there and maybe that will help her want to be baptized as well.

We also had one less active family at and church and one other less active at church this week. It was really awesome. We have also met a lot of people on the street and have return appointments with them so that is really exciting. The ward is great and so helpful to the missionaries. We have had 11 member present lessons! It is so awesome to have members who are willing to help!

Hopefully next week I will have some baptism pictures :)

OK SOMETHING FUN!! Look for me on Google street view. On the corner of Lexington and Wilton. It was like a week ago but maybe you will see me.

The elders were making fun of me the other day when they were handing out mail. They saw my package with flowers on it and they were like "Greenie mail, that will stop" and handed me the package. I just laughed.

This week has been alright and transfers are coming up next week. We will find out this week if we are getting the boot or not.

Thanks for everything! I hope you all have a good week!!!

Love, Hermana Montgomery

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