Friday, January 24, 2014

Patience and Promptings

This week has been good. I have learned a lot about patience this week. I am starting to get a little stir crazy here. During one class time we went and had to teach solo. The kid I was teaching didn't know any English and it was super frustrating. but I learned to just be patient. Then after we went and taught lessons with a Latino branch and all them were really impressed with my Spanish. But there are some other experiences I want to share that I think are more important than the little things.

We had a really cool experience with one of our investigators. We went to teach him and we could see through the door that he was praying so we gave him so time and we prayed to. We knocked and as we opened the door he look like he was about to cry. We went in and started talking to me and then I gave the opening prayer. It was probably one of the best prayers I have ever prayed. The words just came and then we starting giving our lesson and it was going so smooth. Then we were sharing our testimonies and he told us that he felt like God couldn't forgive him anymore. That he had sinned too many times and he was really upset. I shared a scripture and then one of my companions shared an experience and then I asked if he wanted to pray and he said that he would after we left. I can't describe in words the way I felt. I was finding scriptures like nobody's business. It was incredible. He even started crying in the lesson. After it was all over we said a closing prayer and then we went outside and we were all so in awe about what has just happened. We said a prayer thanking Heavenly Father for helping us and for that experience. I think I experienced a little portion of the love Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ have for us. It was absolutely incredible. One of the best experiences I have had here.

The other one happened today. We went to the visitors center and we took a tour and after we were kinda standing in the foyer and we were like lets go take pictures in the other room. But one elder quickly peeked his head back into the room with the Cristus and we hear Hermana F?? So we all run over there and yelled HERMANA F.!!!!! We ran over and hugged her a she started sobbing. She had just gotten out of class and came to the visitors center to feel better and talk to one of her old companions who is serving there. She hugged us and said you are an answer to my prayers. It was the coolest experience. She took pictures with us and walked around for a while. She took us to the store and I bought a really cool scripture case for 95 pesos. So 9 dollars. It was just so crazy that she was like oh I'll go to the visitors center and we just happened to be there and see her. It was really cool and she was like see you tonight!! I seriously love her so much!!!

There are tons of stories I want to tell you but I don't have time! Maybe I will write them in a letter and send them to you once I get to California. I wish I could just email all day but AIN'T NOBODY GOT TIME FOR THAT!!!

I love you all and thank you for your prayers. Please pray for my investigators.


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