Friday, January 17, 2014

Humility and Blessings :)

It is crazy that I am halfway done here. Time goes so fast!

My Spanish isn't as spectacular as I think it should be but its coming along. Mostly just review. It is pretty hard to explain the gospel in Spanish. There are tons of things I want to say but don't know how. When we teach our investigators we do it in companionship.

I got some letters this week. It made me really happy. I still am really sick. I don't have a stuffy nose or cough anymore but my throat and ears hurt a lot but I'm on some antibiotics right now so I should be good soon.

So the 5 of us going to Cali leaving on Monday the 3rd and then some elders leave on the fourth and my companions leave on the 5th. This week is going to hard. Our volleyball friends are leaving this week and every Sunday we sing God Be With You Till We Meet Again and they put all the people who are leaving pictures up and so we are all going to be balling. They are seriously our only friends here.

This week has been so humbling. I have really realized how much I have taken for granted in my life. We were discussing as a district going to conference and everyone was like oh I've been 2 times or once. Some have never been. I just thought of how many times I havent been. Then we talked about prophets and I felt so lucky that I was there when Thomas S Monson was sustained and to sit with him in the temple and to be part of building and dedicating a temple. It just seems like everything this week has reminded me of how blessed I have been. We learned about the book of mormon and why the book of mormon is so crucial to our conversion. I realize that I really never appreciated it in my life. I have had so many blessings and I am just now realizing that I really am grateful for them.

I love you all and I am having a good time here. It isn't always easy but it is worth it.

Hermana Montgomery

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