Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Hometown Hick!

I don't want to try the papaya again!

The lessons with our investigator went really well. The second one wasnt so great. I had a hard time explaining the preisthood to her in spanish. I kind of got frusterated with myself because I couldnt get the words out right. But I think she still got the point. The next lesson we taught her was on the Plan of Salvation. It was amazing. I was able to explain everything and I basically have been teaching the lessons all by myself with little injections from my companions every once in a while.The lesson was incredible and I was able to bear to her my testimony that I know that I will see my loved ones again and that families can be together forever. Everyday I am here I appreciate that more and more.

This week I have had to deal with some stuff that has been especially hard with my companions and I just realize how much I appreciate and love my family and my Egbert family as well.  I have also learned that there is a reason we have priesthood in the church to take care of things we cant deal with ourselves. So after the third lesson with our investigator, we found out that she is actually one of our teachers. She is amazing. She is like the only consistent teacher we have here. She is so sweet and goes above and beyond for us. So how investigators work here is teachers pick someone in their life that they know really well and represent them. They have noticed changes in the lives of the real people. It is really cool. So now we are teaching her again but as her other friend. But this week she is bringing real nonmember friends. So thats a little nervewracking. We also have another investigator. Our first lesson with him was ok but it wasn't super great, sometimes are easier than others.

So all the elders in my disctrict think I that I wear overalls and ring a bell for dinner like in 7 Brides for 7 Brothers. They all talk to me in a hick accent and it is hilarious. They also think I am so funny. They are always laughing at what I say and it makes me feel good.

Here is a picture of my zone at the Mexico City Temple!

So I have to clarify on the weather. It is usually warm outside but the classrooms are freezing. They are cinder block and there is no central heating and they leave the doors open at night so they turn into little freezers. I wear my winter coat everyday and leggings under my skirts. This is the coldest I have ever been in my life. Like right now my fingers are like icicles. Also morning and nights here are freezing because of the humidity. I hate humidity. It makes you so cold and my hair is always frizzing.

The other night we had tamales and they were the best tamales I have ever had in my whole life!!! They were so delicious. They also feed us Costco pizza once a week. Its awesome.

O|H MY GOSH!!!!! I have to mention this!! So the whole time we have been here I have been so upset that there is no ice here. Everything is lukewarm. Then one night there was a tub of ice next to the juice machine and I almost started crying becuase I was so happy. I even said thank you for the ice in my dinner prayer. I carried around a cup of it for the rest of the night and just sucked on it. Then the elders informed me that they usually have ice but I think they were lying. But they have had it a couple times since and I have been so happy.

Bad news, I have been sick all week. I have had the worst sore throat and cough and stuffy. It has been mostly tolerable but it has made this week kinda rough. One day I barely had a voice at all.

Cool story!! We have a service project every Tuesday and this week we started out in the giant laundry room and I learned how to properly fold fitted sheets. Something I never expected to learn here. But after a few minutes we were called out to go help another lady so we went and she told us that we would be cleaning a house and we were like ugh not again. We did that last week and it wasn't too bad but this week we were scrubbing walls and the elders where scrapping black mold off of the ceilings in the bathrooms. It was absolutley disgusting. The one bathroom was so nasty and she said that she had already been cleaning in there for 4 hours. When we were almost done she gathered us up for a picture and was just thanking us for helping her and she started crying. She said that what we did in 90 minutes would have taken her 4 days and she was so grateful for our help. It was so sweet. I learned a lot about cleanliness and serving others. On the way she said to us SERVICE OPENS DOORS. That is so true.

This week we had a class on the Book of Mormon and it was really awesome. We only read a few versus from chapter one of first Nephi but the way we did it and discussed it, I learned more in the 30 minutes that I did reading the whole Book of Mormon. It was really cool and so in personal study time I applied it and I got so much more out of it.

This week has been great and challenging all at the same time. I have learned a lot of patience and a lot about myself. I love you all and am grateful for all the examples I have had in my life. I love you all.

Hermana Montgomery

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