Saturday, February 1, 2014

Last week in Mexico!

Hola familia y amigos!!!

On Monday we had our one month anniversary!! We celebrated with some York peppermint patties. Its crazy how fast the time has gone. I leave Monday at 3 in the morning which is 2 your time. I have loved the CCM but I'm excited to go out and experience new things. I think I have grown a lot as a person so far but I still have a long ways to go. I have made such good friends with all of my district! I love them all so much and its going to be really hard to leave them all. Good thing 5 of us are going together and will see each other through out the mission. The worst part is that my bestest friends here are all going  far away. I am going to miss my teachers a lot too. They are seriously the best! They have taught me so much, We have also had super good devotionals here and the last two we have had have been all in Spanish and I understand them completely. This Sunday is going to be super sad. After the Sunday movie we sing “God Be With You Till We Meet Again” and they have a slideshow of all the missionaries leaving. This week that is going to be us. Its so crazy.

I have thought a lot this week on how I can become the missionary that the Lord needs me to be. I have decided that I really do come up short but I know that if I trust Heavenly Father and give my will to him,  he will bless me and help me to become all that I can be.

I think the biggest thing I have to offer is my heart. I can understand people, I can see their needs, Like it says in my patriarchal blessing: I have the ability to see people as God sees them, not as they are but as they can become by living the gospel. I might not always be able to express my feelings or explain myself perfectly but I can feel their needs and hopefully through just my spirit and love, I can touch them. I have been reading my patriarchal blessing almost everyday and there is always something in there I need.

I also think another thing I have to offer is that fact that my whole life has been miracle after miracle and blessing after blessing because I am a member of the church. I know that I can show people that God really does bless us for being obedient. I think we have to remind investigators and less-actives that the church is strengthened by everyone who is a part of it. Their story could help someone else. I have always been a little jealous of converts because I feel like their conversions are so much deeper and stronger. “Every soul is great in the sight of God.” (D&C 18:10)  He needs you. He needs all of us to work together.

Yesterday I read a lot in Jacob. I have never realized how powerful and direct he spoke to the people. I was amazed at the boldness of his words, especially towards the men. I loved the last verse of chapter 2. He speaks so directly the priesthood holders.  I also love in that chapter how much it emphasizes that fact that Heavenly Father is aware of the women of the church and always hears their prayers. I have really learned to love the Book of Mormon here. I have learned so much, I have never read the Book of Mormon in the way that we have been shown here. It is really awesome! There is so much more I wish I could talk to you about but there is just not enough time! I love you so much and I am so grateful for your example and your love!
I love you all very much and I pray for you all the time!

Here is a video of the group on the one month anniversary! :)

Love, Hermana Montgomery

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