Monday, August 4, 2014


I can't believe how fast time is flying!!! It really is crazy!! I can't believe that it has almost been a year since I got my mission call.

Anyways....The work is going well! We have had a slower week but full of miracles none the less.

The Highlights:
-Brandon went to the temple!!
-We took Ani (recent convert) to a lesson and he did great!! He is reading 2 chapters a day in the Book of Mormon and is almost done with his home teaching for the month!
-We took Adrian to the visitors center and we watched the Restoration. It was so good and he said an awesome prayer. The next night he called and told us he prayed and knows that Joseph Smith is true. He also prayed for a job and got one the next day!!! We saw his dad at the store and he was so excited to talk to us!! Anyways he is straight up gangster but really wants to change.
-Vic is doing awesome! Still can't come to church but is reading and praying and meeting with us.
-We also had exchanges. They were awesome! I love exchanges. You learn so much!
-We are in charge of FHE and we are going to have a blast!!
-I love my companion!! She is awesome and crazy and she has the best bark I have ever heard!

I didn't have much time this week. But I love you all and thank you for your emails!!

Have a great week!!

Love, Hermana Montgomery

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