Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Adventures of a Singles Branch!

Hello everyone!!
This week has been amazing!!! I love it here in the singles branch!!!

I have seen so many miracles here. We had Hiro's baptism last week and confirmation this week and I also got to see him receive the priesthood. I have never seen that before so it was really special for me! Hiro is doing so good! He gave a Book of Mormon to his friend and they are racing to read it. It is so awesome!

We also met Anib's (a recent convert) girlfriend and had a lesson with her. And he gave her a Book of Mormon with his testimony in it. We are going to start teaching her when she gets back from Mexico in a few weeks.

We also were having dinner with a member and he was texting his friend and he was like "Hey Sisters, I'm going to invite my friend and you can sneak a lesson in" so the friend came over and when we started talking about church he was "You set me up" but he was fine with it. He said that is wasn't a question of IF he would get baptized but WHEN. It was really cool and we had a return appointment with him and it went really well and he came to the branch activity. It was really awesome!!!
We also had a lesson with one of our less actives and it went so well!! He is seriously one of the coolest guys I've met so far. He has a full beard, has a road safe dirt bike that he rides around and he installs elevators. He also has a super awesome tattoo of Christ. He has been less active for 4 years and he told us he really wants to change. He has been coming back to church and FHE and he really likes it.

Also one of our investigators birthday was this week and our other appointment fell through so we walked across to his house and we ended helping him and his mom decorate and cut the fruit for his party. It was really nice to meet her and to get to know his family a little more. He has a guy who lives in his back yard in a tent!!! He has a bed, TV, a fan for air conditioning, and a little cooking stove, and the whole works. It is strange but he helps them with household fixes so he lives there for free. Oh LA.....

I also got to leave the mission this week. I went to Anehiem! We drove past Disneyland. Where I went there were missionaries for the Anehiem and Long Beach missions. It was cool to see other missionaries. The weird thing is that my area touches the mission boundaries on 3 sides so we could be seeing these missionaries and not knowing...anyways it was cool. ALSO WIERD THING: We were at the Anehiem Mission Office and there was a senior couple there with the last name Butterfield. It was very ironic...

This week I have been reading in Alma. I hope one day I can be as awesome as Ammon!! He is my hero of the week! He did so much good in the world!!! I encourage you all to read his story starting in Alma 17.

This is Sister Hunsaker. She is our mission home receptionist. She is soooo awesome! I love her!

I hope you all have a great week! Keep up the good work!!! I love you all!
Hermana Montgomery

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