Saturday, May 3, 2014

GREAT Week :)

WOW this week has been SOO busy!

Last Monday we went on a hike. Our destination was the Hollywood sign. After hiking for a while down what we thought was the right trail we hit a dead end. But the view was so gorgeous. So we turned around and decided that we would hike to the observatory. It was so much fun! It was super hot but no importa (as Emma would say). We went with Chris, Stephanie, Josiie, and Alicia. The hike down was downright hilarious. I haven't laughed that much in a long time!!

Other good news!!! ABUELITA AND J GOT BAPTIZED AND CONFIRMED!!!!! This was by far the happiest day of my mission. Words cannot describe how much love I felt for them, especially for Abuelita. I love her so much. She is like another grandma to me. I was able to be at her side most of the day and just hold her hand and walk her around. She is one of the most special people I have met so far. Their baptism was so good and we had food afterward. It was really awesome. All the missionaries who had taught them came back. It was so special. They are incredible!

This week I also got to go the temple again. I love the temple so much. I was able to see a proposal, engagement, and sealing all at once. It was really cool! We also had a special meeting before and got to listen to some really good talks. We also had Hermana Monroy's farewell. It was super awesome. I got to translate for Hermana Petra. I was really nervous at the beginning but the words were just there. After I finished I was just filled with the spirit and I knew that I would be able to handle myself in Spanish. I am grateful that Sister Monroy asked me to translate.

So transfer news!!! I'm staying in Hollywood! :) My new companion will be Hermana Ulele. She is from Tonga. She is super awesome! She is coming back to the Spanish program. She has been serving in the Tonga program for a while now. I am really excited to work with her. I will be picking her up tomorrow morning. I also am in charge of driving some other sisters to their apartment. Who knew 3 months in I would be driving around LA like a pro! :) I actually love driving here. Weird right?!?

This is just the highlights of this crazy week! I hope everyone is doing great. I love you all so much and am grateful for your support and your prayers.

Love, Hermana Montgomery

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