Saturday, November 22, 2014

11/13/14 Highlights

Hello everyone!!! Sorry to keep you all waiting!! I'm alive and well :)

So much has happened since the last email so it's kind of all a blur. But some highlights:

1-We went to the temple and I met a really awesome guy there! He was the shining example of diligence! As I watched him walk in my eyes were glued on him. I could tell that something had happened and that it had probably been a long time since he had been in the temple. As he struggled to walk and perform the tasks he had tears in his eyes but so much peace in his expression. I finally asked him about his story...He had had a stroke or something a few years back and he cried and said how grateful he was to be in the temple that it had been so long since he had been there. I couldn't help but cry! I have never seen someone so glad to be there. The temple really is the house of God and we can feel his love there more than any other place on Earth!  

2- We had exchanges again and I got to go with Sister Nagano again! We met some awesome people on the street!! It is so amazing to hear people's stories!! We had dinner with a family and we had sweet potato and cauliflower soup. It was delicious!

3- We did a huge service project this week for a family! It was lots of hard work but it was worth it! It was so nice to see them happy and all together. I'm grateful my parents taught me hard work ethic! It really paid off!

Sorry I don't have much time but I'll be back in a few days! I love you all so much! Thanks for everything!

Love, Hermana Makeesa Montgomery

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