Saturday, November 22, 2014


Transfer calls came! I'm going to El Camino YSA with Sister Parks!!!
I'm very excited for this coming transfer. I'm sad to leave this area because things were just looking up but I guess that's the way it goes. I have really come to love the people here. The familes are wonderful and everyone is so sweet and caring. The transfer news had people in tears- I guess that's how you know you have done your job and made a difference.

Here's an update on my week:
We have had some changes in our ward missionary efforts, with the help of Bishop West and our new division of ward missionary leadership. Great things are happening!!! It is truly amazing! Yesterday a member referred an entire family!!! All springboarded by our bishop's pass-a-long card challenge. It is so awesome!!! The new elders are so lucky! The ward is finally jumping on the missionary wagon! We also had members sign up to go out with us and the response was great. The members really have become excited about hastening the work!

Sorry I'm out of time! I'll send more next week!

Love, Hermana Makeesa Montgomery

11/13/14 Highlights

Hello everyone!!! Sorry to keep you all waiting!! I'm alive and well :)

So much has happened since the last email so it's kind of all a blur. But some highlights:

1-We went to the temple and I met a really awesome guy there! He was the shining example of diligence! As I watched him walk in my eyes were glued on him. I could tell that something had happened and that it had probably been a long time since he had been in the temple. As he struggled to walk and perform the tasks he had tears in his eyes but so much peace in his expression. I finally asked him about his story...He had had a stroke or something a few years back and he cried and said how grateful he was to be in the temple that it had been so long since he had been there. I couldn't help but cry! I have never seen someone so glad to be there. The temple really is the house of God and we can feel his love there more than any other place on Earth!  

2- We had exchanges again and I got to go with Sister Nagano again! We met some awesome people on the street!! It is so amazing to hear people's stories!! We had dinner with a family and we had sweet potato and cauliflower soup. It was delicious!

3- We did a huge service project this week for a family! It was lots of hard work but it was worth it! It was so nice to see them happy and all together. I'm grateful my parents taught me hard work ethic! It really paid off!

Sorry I don't have much time but I'll be back in a few days! I love you all so much! Thanks for everything!

Love, Hermana Makeesa Montgomery


Hello everyone!!! I hope you all had a fun Halloween!!!!

This week has been great! Lots of good stuff going on!

First of all Halloween! The day was just normal....but we did get to have dinner with the Strawns. We had pumpkin soup that was absolutely delicious! We also had spud nuts (home-made donuts). It was so yummy! We were going to take a pumpkin home to carve but we were running late and forgot to grab it....not the most exciting Halloween I've ever had but it was still fun because everyone here decorates!! Here are some pictures of some of the decorations---SO COOL!

This week we had zone conference!! It was amazing! I felt the Spirit so strong! We had training on teaching simply, sincere prayers, faith-filled thoughts, and following the Spirit. I have been trying really hard to implement the faith-filled thoughts training. In today's world it is so easy to be negative and get down on ourselves. But as I have been trying to work on this this week, it is incredible the difference that positive thinking can make. It is sometimes hard to do but as we keep working on it, it becomes easier. Have people around you help you re-write your negative thoughts. It is kinda goofy at first but it really works and helps keep things in perspective. I also have been working on my prayers. I'm glad to say they have improved! And I am really happy about that. I feel like I really mean what I say and I'm taking more time to really be grateful and honest with Heavenly Father. In our training we talked a lot about being open and homiest in our prayers, not just saying the thing we think he wants hear. I invite you all to try it out and see what happens!
 Yesterday we had a lesson on gratitude in Relief Society. It really struck me. I realized that I needed to be more grateful for the blessings I've been given instead of complaining or worry about what I don't have. It was very eye-opening for me. The Spirit told me to use the question, "What are you grateful for?" As a street contact approach. So I'll give it a try this week. Yesterday it worked once and didn't once.  We have been extending the challenge to our ward member to make a list A-Z of things they are grateful for! If you start today and put one or two things down you will have a list almost complete by Thanksgiving :) Then everyone can read their list after dinner!

We also had exchanges this week! I was with Sister Nagano.  I learned so much from her and I feel like we really connected and understood each other. She helped me see a lot of things I can do better. We met a new family that we are going back to this week! We are excited! We also had a good lesson with one of the guys we are working with.

There was a quote in  Zone Conference about the Savior being keenly aware of each missionary. But this week I came to understand more fully that he is keenly aware of everyone!! This really hit me when we knocked on the door of Amber Delileo. We had a list of names that we wanted to visit. I had a feeling we needed to go towards to the beach. We prayed and picked a name and off we went. We arrived but could not find a place to park. We drove around in circles and then we thought maybe it was the wrong person. We prayed again that if it was her we could get parking. Well we found one. We walked into he building and up to the door. We knocked and a woman with a face full of tears opened to the door. She told us that her husband had just died about an hour ago. She let us in and we talked for a while. She was in shock and had no idea what to do. We were able to comfort her and give her advice. I know without a shadow of a doubt that Heavenly Father knew her and her situation and we were led to her door. After we left her house we stopped to offer a prayer. I can't describe the Spirit I felt as I came to understand why I had to endure all of the heartache of losing so many people that I was close to while I was so young. But as I've been here on my mission, I have come to understand that the things I have gone through in my life have prepared me to help people here. I have been part of 3 deaths so far and I have been able to understand and comfort those people. I know the Lord has a plan for everything I know that he is keenly aware of each of you and your needs. Talk to him! He wants to help you!

I love you all so much!! Thank you so much for all your prayers! I feel them!  Thank you for being a part of my life! I can't wait to see you all again!

Love, Hermana Makeesa Montgomery