Friday, December 27, 2013

The Drop Off {12/27/2013}

The day started at 3:15am this morning. With her bags packed and passport in hand, we headed to the Boise airport.  There were jitters, nerves, laughs, and tears.  Not much later, hugs were shared and goodbyes were said.  Next, she made it through security...phew!! All that was left was boarding the plane and her first ever take-off.

9 hours later... the first email home:

Buenos noches familia!
We have arrived at the CCM. Flying was awesome!! I loved it! Everything went pretty smooth. There were 3 of us from Idaho. In Phoenix, we picked up 2 from Alaska, 1 from California, 1 from Hawaii, and 1 from Phoenix. We are just getting checked in. Well we have to hurry..there is lots to do.

Love you lots,
Hermana Montgomery

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